Motivation for Leg Day: Tips to regain motivation for leg day after a long break.
Growing Juicy Quads: Effective strategies for building strong and defined quads.
Choosing the Right Coach: How to find a coach that fits your needs and what makes a coach great.
Overcoming Mental Struggles: Advice for those struggling with self-doubt about their fitness progress.
Diet Soda During Prep: The pros and cons of including diet soda in your competition prep.
Exercising with Injuries: How to safely continue working out while managing injuries.
Our First Meeting: A look back at how we first met and our initial impressions.
Meal Plans vs. Macro Tracking: Comparing the effectiveness of structured meal plans and macro tracking.
Physique Inspiration: The physiques that inspired me when I started in bodybuilding.
Post-Competition Weight Gain: Tips on managing and controlling weight gain after a competition.